Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jonathan is coming home!

Jonathan will be here in November, and I could not be more excited!!! It has been way too long ( 5 months and 4 days to be exact). We are heading up to Michigan for Thanksgiving, we decided to drive because we have to bring back some furniture of mine I left at my parents house before moving to Japan. Sooo...it will be intresting making a trip clear across the U.S. with a 5 month old little boy who absolutly HATES riding in his car seat. Yay! But we are excited, I have not been back home since 2005. I am looking forward to it. And of course CJ cant wait to go hunting! So right after poor Jonathan gets off the hellacious 19 hour flight from Okinawa to here, he will have to turn around two days later and get in a car for 2-3 days driving. Poor Jonathan. We are hoping for snow on the ground for thanksgiving, I just miss it enough to play in it for a few days and then turn around and come back to my warm weather in Arizona! :)

In the pictures above, Jonathan in his costume as a "fighter pilot", at school, and on his dirt bike.

After being in Japan for as long as we were, I was pretty excited about the fact we could actually go to an apple orchard/pumpkin patch! After hearing about everyone in MI going to one, I decided to google it and see if there was one here in Tucson ( or anywhere in Arizona), and to my luck there was ONE in the entire state. About an hour and a half away. I told CJ about it, and decided we would go over the weekend. Come to find out, he has never been to an apple orchard! Crazzzy. I thought everyone has been to an apple orchard. Those Floridians dont know how to do fall time apparantly. :) That is a must in the month of October! So we went and it was so much fun. Alek is only 5 months old and obviously couldnt really do much, but he seemed to really enjoy it! He went on his first hayride experience. It was a lot of fun. We were able to pick all this fresh produce, and I think we pretty much got a little bit of everything and it wasnt over $20. It was a lot of fun. And of course, we got the fresh apple cidar ( Cj has never had that either). Sheltered!!! Im telling you. So anyway, it was a good time and we will definetly be going back next year!

At the end, Alek was most definetly ready to go. But on our way out we passed a sunflower field. And of course, I wanted one but the entire field was swormed with bees. It was crazy. And if you know me, you would know that I DO NOT under any circumstances, do bees or spiders. So CJ volunteered himself ( seriously) to go into the bee trap and pick me a flower! What a sweet guy. I couldnt take a picture because I had my hands full with baby and vegetables, but it was a great picture. Cj in the middle a sunflower field dodging mad bees to pick me a flower! Thanks hunny! :)

It's fall time!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My photography skills...still working on it.

5 months?! Already?!!??!!!!

I am truly blessed to have such a great family. I was for SURE when I found out I was pregnant with Alek that he might just be a very difficult child! Jonathan was SO easy when he was a baby, so I was for sure that Alek was not going be so easy. I do have to say, he is a very easy going little guy ( or should I say big guy?!). The only time he ever really cries is when he is tired. You would think he is loosing a limb, the kid screams so loud you will think something is really wrong until you lay him down and let him fight it out and literally, about 10 minutes later is passed out and not even a rock concert in his bedroom would wake him up!! He is the most amazing person. I know it is sooo "cliche" to say that children change your life. But noone really understands that until they carry a child for 9 months (or the spouse) and then hold that child in your arms for the first time. I am so very blessed to have two beautiful, intelligent, busy little boys! Alek amazes me every day with something new he has learned. We always buy toys that are just a little above his learning abilities, and it does not take him long to figure out how to use it or play with it. We have these interchangeable rings on his car seat that you can hang anywhere and adjust them. He has figured out how to change the rings out. It is absolutly amazing how smart he is! I could go on and on about my babies! But anyway, he will be 5 months old tomorrow!! Growing like a week. We have changed his baby food to "stage 2" baby food, because that stage 1 stuff just was CLEARLY not enough for this little monster. He is loving this new baby food. I was a little worried at first that his belly might not be able to handle it, but if I can puree some banana's up for him, why couldnt I give him this stage 2 food? It is pretty much the same. So, come to find out, he loves it. There is so much more of a variety with the stage 2 as well. I gave him puree ham with vegetables the other night ( eww!!) and he did NOT like it. haha! He would push the spoon away and spit it back out. So that was a no go. But he loves chicken, vegatbles, sweet potatoes ( loves sweet potatoes!), any fruit, and pretty much everything else that is edible (except ham!). We are so very proud of how far he has come since his life changing experience of getting 80% of his colon taken out. You would never ever know he had anything like that done. Amazing. We are looking forward to letting the rest of the family meet him over the holidays.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Alek and daddy playing "peek-a-boo" through the door

Alek-bo-balic at 5 months old
Sorry this is such a mess. I tried a new layout ( I am new at this whole "blogging" thing) and it kind of messed everrrrything up. So I am currently trying to fix it up. Anytime tips? :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Our little man...

Beautiful view....

Attempting to calm Alek down-Cj looks so cute with the baby backpack on! haha!

Daddy and son reading time. :)

Alek's little chompers.

The first attempt at feeding himself

Wow....October 22nd Alek will be five months old. I can hardley believe it. Time goes so fast! I love every minute with him. Waking up to him, is the most amazing thing ever. I, of course, have a baby monitor in his room and one in mine. In the mornings, he doesnt wake up screaming or crying, he wakes up " talking". Usually to his fan or the picture on his wall, but it consists of " ba ba ba ba mmmmmmmbbbaaaa.....babababa ma ma ma" haha! I love it. Just random babble. But I will sit and listen to it and smile every morning when I hear it, then I will walk over to his room and peak my head over his crib. And he will look at me with a very surprised look like, " how did you hear me!?". This little handsome beast is eating 7oz. of formula and a jar of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I thought for a while I was "over-feeding" so I tried to downsize on meals a little, and that did NOT go over well with him. So I just continue to feed him as much as he wants, when he wants. As he was eating his squash, he was trying very hard to control the spoon I was holding (apparantly I was not putting it in his mouth fast enough) so after a couple times of fighting his hand of the spoon so squash did not go flying everywhere, I let him take control of it. He actually impressed me, and did pretty well with it. At the end he had squash in his nose, on his eye lids, and in his ears but, hey, he fed himself!

He has been rolling over for about a month now, so now Im trying to work with him on crawling. As I was unpacking MORE boxes yesterday, I put a blanket on the floor with some toys and let him go. He sort of just rolled around the room a couple times, going back and forth from wall to wall....then he figured out he could use his toes to scoot himself around! Funny. Most kids start off doing the "army crawl" or just straight up " crawling". Nope not ours, he decides to use his toes to push himself. I will post a video of it soon. Entertaining to say the least.

So, as most of you know, Cj and I are always out doing something on the weekends. We really never have a weekend " around the house". This past weekend, we went up in the mountains and went fishing. (Yes, with Alek). We found out REALLY quick that he is not a fisherman. Cj and I took turns rocking, bouncing, feeding, burping, changing poopy diapers, and singing to Alek. Because there are not many lakes in Tucson, Arizona....the one lake we were at, everyone else was at as well. So I couldnt let Alek cry himself to sleep like I do at home. And as most of you know, he has QUITE the attitude when he is sleepy, you would think the kid is loosing a limb. So anyway, after about 15 minutes of pure screaming, and a few dirty looks from other people fishing, he fell sound asleep, and I put the worm on my hook...threw my line in the water and I had a fish on!! I was so excited, probably a little too excted over a 2 lbs rainbow trout. haha!

As for me, I am still looking for a job. Im pretty sure I posted my resume on every hiring website out there! It is very frustrating. So if I dont hear something in the next week, I am enrolling myself full time for nursing school and devoting myself to that. As for Jonathan, well....that is a work in progress and I will have him in no time. Definetly for Christmas. He is so excited to see Alek. Last time he saw him was when Alek was a week old! Cj is liking the A-10 world ( he was stationed here before Okinawa). I can say that I see him a lot more here than I did in Okinawa!