Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So, Alek is getting a lot better. We go to the doctor every other day for weight checks and just to make sure he is keeping his food down. He is slowly gaining weight. They have him on rice cereal already to help. Alek is eating about 4-5 oz every two hours right now. He is a littlea eating and pooping machine. Which is good! haha! He is doing really good though. Now we are just waiting on orders from the Air Force. We should be hearing anytime. Until then, Alek and I are going to be in Hawaii. They want us to be stationed here because Alek has an awesome team of doctors, and because he obviously had is surgery here and it is just most logical. But they dont have CJ's jets here for him to work on, so that creates a problem. So they are in the process of looking into where we will go. They can put us here in Hawaii but Cj would have to do something else. I dont know how well that will fly with the Air Force. So....we wait. I will let you guys know as soon as we hear something.

Cj and Alek at North Shore in Hawaii

Alek smiling at Cj

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Alek update...

Alek is doing awesome! They are talking about releasing him tomorrow. The tube has been taken out of his throat and he is able to eat now. I couldnt be more happy. Thank you all so much for all of the thoughts and prayers for him! He is eating about 5 oz. right now and he is starting to really fill out. He is amazing and we are so proud of him! More updates to come. I will put some pictures up when he comes home! :) Thanks again!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Alek update

Just wanted to update everyone and let you all know that Alek is recovering well from the surgery that he had yesterday. He was in surgery a little over 10 hours and had 80% of his colon taken out. The little guy is a trooper!! One hour after surgery he was trying to move his head around and was opening his eyes ( the Doctor said he wouldnt wake up for about 18 hours or so---so it surprised all of us when he did that!). He will not be able to eat anything at LEAST until Monday, so they have him on fluids, obviously, until then. He is doing a great job and Cj and I couldnt be more proud!! He is absolutly amazing. They had to do a pick line on him today....and of course...I was on edge the entire day because of it. Basically it is a longer and more invasive IV line. These lines are not the priary choice due to the high risk of vessel rupture. The line was inserted in the left arm, inside of the bicep and runs to the main arterial veins from the heart. These lines allo w for a more steady feed for the electrolites and bolis solution. The only downfall is that they do not allow for blood drawing so, there has to be a heel prick if the is anything being pulled for labs. I had never heard of this until today, so of course I was worried about it all day long. It was a steril procedure so we had to leave the room for it, and they called us when they were done. When we got back into NICU to see him, they had taken his oxygen tube out, which I was obviously ecstatic about! He was asleep, but comfortable. Which made me happy. :) We stayed for a while and then we decided to get some lunch because we realized we had not eaten in two days...and figured it might be a good idea to eat. So by the time we got something and came back he was awake. The first time since surgery he was really awake and alert. I asked him I could hold him and they said yes, so I sat for hours snuggiling with him! Which we both loved! The entire time I held him, he just layed there looking right back at me with his big brown eyes, completly content. It was quite possibly the best feeling ever. More good news, he had three bowel movements ( on his own) today. Everything is looking good and normal. The doctor did the entire procedure via laprascopic and only made 4 tiny incisions on his tummy. Very little scarring. We are extremely impressed with his team of Doctors and nurses ( which we like to call, Team Alek). Alek has definetly taught me a lot. He is only three weeks old and has been through more pain than I could imagine and he just keeps going and adapts to everything.

We will not be returning to Okinawa, at all. They are trying to get us stationed here in Hawaii so he can have his follow ups with the same doctors that did his surgery. For obvious reasons. We will know in a month or so. But we are definetly staying here in the states! If they cant get us here in Hawaii, it will either be Tucson or Las Vegas. But we will know for sure in a month or so. Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers! We appreciate everything!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So today had been intense. Alek was admitted into surgery this morning at 10Am-Hawaii time. It is now 6:30pm and he is still in surgery and they are saying about two more hours. So far they have taken 3/4 of his colon out plus 2 inches. I realize now just how easy I have it. Alek has impressed me from day one with his strength. He does not give up...he is definetly a fighter. He has taught me so much since this has all come up. Cj and I stay in the hospital right next to him..and are pretty much getting only about 4 hours of sleep per 24 hours. For those who have yet to meet this beautiful young man, you have yet to meet one true miricle of Gods work. We will make sure that we keep everyone updated, so stay tuned for the latest updates in the Boyer

Monday, June 8, 2009

USS Arizona memorial

Hanging out with Alek at 4am.......

Team Alek!!

So as everyone as heard, we are in Hawaii being seen at Tripler Medical Center. Alek got sent here on a medical evacuation. He is being seen by one of the best Pediatric surgeons and one of the best Pediatric Doctors. They took a biopsy the day we flew in, and we are waiting on the results from that. They are leaning towards Hirshsprungs disease or small left colon. Both of which will need follow up appoitments here in the states....therefore, they are looking at a re-location assignment for Cj to get stationed here in the states. Iam very impressed with these doctors, they really know their stuff! He got released from the hospital on Saturday because all of his vitals are good and he is pooping on his own ( yay!), and since we are just waiting on the results there was no real reason to keep him there. So he is with us at the hotel. So today, we had a chance to actually get out and see Honolulu a little bit with Alek. Since we both stayed up with Alek until 5am...we all slept pretty late. (He likes to hang out all night and not go to sleep). So after waking up, we went to Pearl Habor and went to the memorial.

If the results from the biopsy come back okay, Alek will be monitored by the doctors for a week or two and maybe sent back to Japan at that time. If they come back and there is something wrong, then obviously we will be staying. And more than likely Cj will have to fly back to Okinawa and out process while I stay here with Alek. If they come back with something wrong, we will come back to the states now and not wait. Alek amazes me...he has been through so much in the first two weeks of his life and he is still going strong. He has been poked with so many needles it doesnt even phase him anymore! The only time he cries is when someone comes at him with a tube to go up his butt for an enema! Poor guy.